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Congregational Happenings:

October 13, 2024


Fall Series ~ Today, we welcome Connor Ladd back to the pulpit while Pastor Tony and Geneva are at their Sabbatical Rest week in Montana.


Thanksgiving Lunch ~ The ALL-CHURCH THANKSGIVING LUNCH will be here before we know it!  We will gather after worship on Sunday, November 10th.   A sign-up sheet is on the back window.  See Angie Wise with any questions.


FLC Worship ~ Next Sunday we will gather for worship in the Family Life Center.  Plan to join us at the FLC at 10 AM.


Youth Group ~ Our next meeting will be Sunday, October 27th.   We will be passing out candy in New Madison during Trick or Treat. Watch GroupMe for more details.


Baptism ~ A fall baptism is scheduled for a Sunday, November 10th. If you would like to know more about baptism, please reach out to Pastor Tony.


Mark Those Calendars:

10/13 Connor Ladd Preaching

10/20 Worship in The FLC

11/10 Baptism & All Church Thanksgiving Lunch

11/24 Hanging of the Greens

12/13 Sr. Citizen’s Christmas Lunch

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